By Scott Cook
April 15, 2021
To our members:
Boulder County will officially move to Level Blue tomorrow, April 16, and remain at this level until May 16. To date, more than 50% of Boulder County residents have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 30% have been immunized with a full course of the vaccine. With this in mind, we are very happy to announce that we will be making the transition to more hybrid and in-person events.
At this time, we are in the process of drafting our own safety guidelines for events, committees, and conference room usage. Between now and the end of the month, the Longmont Chamber staff will be working closely with medical professionals and public health officials to develop guidelines that will allow us to be together again without risking the health of our members and staff. Our tentative timeline is as follows:
- Now – April 30: Review and publish our safety guidelines
- May 1 – May 16: Test these guidelines with smaller groups and make adjustments as needed
- May 17: Begin offering more in-person opportunities for all members
We are proceeding with caution and will continue to stay alert to county and state regulations. The guidelines we publish will be adjusted in response to the needs of our community, with regard to successful vaccine administration and the trend of case counts and hospital admissions.
As more and more of our friends and neighbors get vaccinated and businesses continue to help keep our community healthy, we move closer to having more opportunities to connect. We hope our community continues its success in helping to end the pandemic so together we can get back to the moments we miss.
See you soon!