Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce Board Votes to Support Prop CC

Longmont, CO – – – Scott Cook, CEO of the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC), announced today that the LACC Board of Directors have voted to support Proposition CC. Proposition CC is a state-wide ballot initiative designed to allow the State of Colorado to retain excess tax revenues in years when an excess occurs, rather than refunding any excesses to taxpayers as currently required.
The Colorado Constitution includes a section titled “The Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights”, most commonly known as TABOR, that limits the amount of money that the state government can collect and spend or save each year. The limit is adjusted each year to account for inflation, state population growth, and voter-approved changes to the limit. Money collected above the state revenue limit must be refunded to taxpayers.
Prop CC asks the voters to permanently allow the State to keep any excess revenues and directs that the monies retained be allocated on an equal basis toward K-12 education, higher education and transportation. It is felt that this will allow elected officials to make better policy decisions while preserving the citizens’ right to vote on any new state taxes and tax rate increases.
“The Board of Directors of the Longmont Chamber support this as it will allocate much needed revenues for transportation and education, both areas that we believe will benefit from additional funding,” said Cook. “Quality education and efficient transportation are all workforce issues,” he continued. “While this may not be a perfect solution, we believe that it will help to close the gap that exists between funding and these priorities.”
About the Author

Scott Cook