Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce Board Votes to Support Local Ballot Initiative 3B

Longmont, CO – – – Scott Cook, CEO of the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC), announced today that the LACC Board of Directors have voted to support Ballot Issue 3B – Competitive Pool and Ice Rink Facility. The City of Longmont is asking voters to increase the sales and use tax rate by 0.18% from 3.53% to 3.71% and to approve bonding authority to construct, operate and maintain a competitive pool and ice rink facility with additional recreational amenities.
“The Board of Directors of the Longmont Chamber supports this as it is felt that it will provide additional reasons for people to visit Longmont and spend their dollars in our community. The Chamber also wishes to support the City of Longmont and the St. Vrain Valley School District and it was noted that Centennial Pool isn’t adequate at this time.” said Cook.
“However,” he added “there was concern expressed that the retail sales tax rate in Longmont is high and that this could cause issues in the future, but the majority felt that the project was one that we could support.”
The majority of the tax increase, 0.15%, will be used for payment of the bonded debt to construct the facility, while 0.03% will be used for ongoing facility operation and maintenance (total of 0.18%). The 0.15% portion of the tax increase will sunset in December 2039, when the bond has been paid off. The 0.03% portion of the tax increase will not sunset as it will be needed to fund the ongoing operation and maintenance of the facility.
About the Author

Scott Cook