By Scott Cook
March 10, 2020
The title of the Chamber’s newest event encourages a few questions and invariably gets a few laughs when Chamber staff explains what’s going on. Humor aside, the marijuana and CBD industry is fast growing and no more so than in our state. It’s important to note that it is not only a fast growing industry, but is having big impacts on other large industries such as food and beverage, cosmetics, medical and, of course. tourism.
A few years ago, the Longmont Chamber would not have entertained the thought of having an event with “candid conversations on cannabis.” I’m sure that would have been the case for most if not all Chambers around the country. But times change, and so does business and communities and our views towards different subjects. This important industry now in our community is only going to grow in profitability, customers, employees and impact on Longmont. Therefore, the Chamber is hosting its first ever event for this industry.
When our first retail marijuana retailers opened in Longmont, I had lots of questions. Then later, I heard about the wide variety of CBD products. Perhaps you have questions like I originally did. Namely, what is the difference between them? What is legal and what is not? Why was it formally illegal? If the products are so good, why haven’t we been using them already? A goal of Let’s Be Blunt is just that, to be blunt on these questions and more.
While the industry has exploded, perhaps you have questions that have gone unanswered. Perhaps you are curious on the business and social impact of this industry. Speakers from a wide variety of businesses, legislators and scientists will discuss specifics and answer your questions. You will also be able to test different products from a variety of Longmont businesses (non-THC products only for sampling and testing!).
Whether you have questions, want to see what the latest is in this industry or if you have reservations, Let’s Be Blunt will be a safe place for you to find out more. I’m expecting to find out things that I didn’t previously know or understand and I hope you will too. Join us on Saturday, March 21 and we’ll be blunt with our questions and conversation.