By Scott Cook
November 25, 2020

This year is one for the history books. We’ve experienced challenges that we never expected, and opportunities that were unforeseen months ago. Many plans have been tabled while new plans have been developed and implemented. On December 3rd, we will hold our Jubilee: Celebrate Business in Longmont event. Traditionally, this is a chance to get together, enjoy a meal, and share a great time with friends and colleagues. But this, too, has changed. Now a virtual event, we will still celebrate our work, our members, and our community. It’s important I believe, to pause occasionally, celebrate, reflect and then keep moving forward.
I discussed our efforts in the area of Advocacy last month. As we move toward the end of this memorable year, I would like to focus on other areas, and celebrate what has been accomplished.
As COVID-19 hit our businesses, and our community, the Chamber moved rapidly to provide outreach and to identify specific business needs. Efforts were made to contact each member to find out what was happening with them, and how the Chamber could help. We heard the responses, and moved quickly to address them. We stepped up our efforts with our partner Chambers and elected officials, to assist with critical needs as they were developing.
We worked hard, and continue to work hard on providing a resource repository with current information concerning grants and loans available. We regularly update our information on restrictions and guidelines and where to locally source necessary pandemic response supplies. When possible, we’ve hosted forums with elected officials and health officials so that interested individuals may hear directly from those working on issues impacting them and to have their concerns and questions heard.
In an effort to leave no stone unturned, we’ve coordinated even more than we have in the past with other aligned organizations and individuals to ensure that we are constantly up to date. We were able to clarify the CARES act and supported businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program alongside the Boulder Small Business Development Center. We published a Needs Assessment survey with the Advance Longmont COVID-19 Business Response Team to better inform the actions of our coordinated response and we advocated on your behalf for policies that would support vulnerable businesses, including increasing the flexibility of property taxes and supporting America’s Recovery Fund Coalition as part of the Northwest Chamber Alliance.
Two programs that we are particularly proud of are “Takeout Takeover” and the Strongmont Restaurant Voucher Program. Takeout Takeover is a comprehensive list of all Longmont restaurants providing takeout, delivery and limited onsite dining. The Strongmont Restaurant Voucher Program, developed by the City of Longmont, provides tokens to those in need for use in restaurants in our community. Participating restaurants are reimbursed by the Chamber with CARES Act funds. Due to our knowledge of the restaurants in our community, we are able to facilitate both programs by making critical connections. If you receive tokens in the mail, please use them! They are valid until December 31, 2020.
So, as we prepare to celebrate business and community at our annual Jubilee celebration, we will remember these and many other efforts. We will again recognize outstanding businesses and individuals, as we do each year. We will pause, perhaps, to share a virtual toast and thank each other and our community for working so very hard through this difficult year. But then we will keep moving forward.
As COVID-19 cases increase and businesses are forced to deal with stricter regulations again, it’s up to all of us to support them during the holiday season. Please call in and order takeout on your way home from work. Before clicking to “buy” online see if a local retailer has the same product in store for pick up or available online. Think about the Longmont we want to experience when this over, a community of thriving businesses of all sizes providing a wealth of products, services and good jobs. I believe this vision is shared by all of our residents.
During the holidays let’s be thankful and celebrate what we’ve accomplished together and then get back to the good work of supporting each other.

Support local business and get your “Longmont Celebration Box” before we run out!