By Scott Cook
April 7, 2021
Neighbors matter. We count on each other. Partners matter as well. Those we work and collaborate with matter. Those we celebrate with matter and those we grieve with matter. To be a good neighbor, partner, or friend, you have to be there when times are tough. You can’t walk away. Because, that’s when it really matters.
“All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbors—in our own way, each one of us is a giver and a receiver.” Mr. Rogers says.
Our neighbors and friends in Boulder, and our partner the Boulder Chamber, are in need of our support. Chambers work with and for others. That’s what we do. The Longmont Chamber has worked closely with the Boulder Chamber for many years. We’ve had a lot of fun. But, we’ve faced tough times together as well. It’s taken all of us to address COVID-19 and it’s crushing impacts. Now we stand with Boulder in the face of tragedy. We grieve with and for them.
Tragedies are difficult to understand. There are no real answers. What we can do, however, is move through this together. We will walk with Boulder on this terrible path. We will provide comfort if possible. It will be impossible to forget what has happened, but I hope each of us can try to make difference moving forward. What if each of us offered, as a matter our course, just one kind word to another person? Will it change what has happened? No, but it’s something we can all do moving forward.
We are saddened by the senseless violence in our partner community of Boulder. Our entire community, and our Chamber, stands with Boulder. Over the next few days, weeks, and months we will be looking for ways to provide support.
Now, however, we reflect upon and echo the profound words of John Tayer, our friend and CEO of the Boulder Chamber, “For the moment, though, we simply unite in our shared grief for the tragic taking of life from such a violent act and we send our heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. We also send our deepest thanks to today’s first responders – both our local units and those from across the region – for their swift action and bravery.”
Mr. Rogers’ lessons stand the test of time. Our neighborhood will take care of each other moving forward. It’s what we do.