Each year, the Longmont Chamber recognizes business and nonprofit excellence at Jubilee, our annual member celebration and award presentation. At this event, we gather to celebrate the tremendous accomplishments and contributions of local entrepreneurs, established businesses, and organizations that are essential to our community. Learn more about all awards presented at this event, why apply or nominate, and the required qualifications for applying.
Keep up with what the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce is doing for and with our community. We make regular posts on this blog, and you can follow us on social media for more frequent news.
Contact Leah Winkler, Event and Communication Director, with news tips or inquiries: lwinkler@longmontchamber.org
Holiday Member Specials 2024
With the holidays rapidly approaching, we asked our members to submit their special holiday deals, events, and more. Take a look at what’s coming up this holiday season.
Representative McCormick on Colorado Proposition 129: Veterinary Professional Associate Initiative
For 40 years as a veterinarian, compassionate animal care has been my calling. As a State Representative, we have explored the idea of a Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA), in Prop. 129, for three years. After hundreds of hours researching, listening to experts, veterinary economists, the FDA, the USDA, universities, accreditation teams, veterinary liability providers, professional organizations of veterinarians and veterinary technicians, shelters, practice owners, rural folks and animal lovers everywhere…we heard serious safety concerns and barriers, concluding a VPA would be unable to truly help the animals we love.