The Voice of

Keep up with what the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce is doing for and with our community. We make regular posts on this blog, and you can follow us on social media for more frequent news.

Contact Leah Winkler, Event and Communication Director, with news tips or inquiries:


A Box Full of Longmont

Get yourself (or your loved one) a little bit of Longmont in a box! These limited edition boxes contain gifts and goodies purchased from local businesses.

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Downtown Parking During Stronger Streets Closure

On July 6th the LDDA – backed by a unanimous vote by the City Council – began its summer lane closure along Longmont’s Main Street. The decision was made in accordance with public health recommendations to allow restaurants and businesses to expand outdoor dining and services.

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The Survival of Your Favorite Businesses

For the past few months you may have wondered, “Will we ever be able to visit our favorite businesses again?” The answer is yes! Businesses are re-opening, incorporating safety guidelines, and you have a role to play in their success. We need you now more than ever.

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PPP Loan Application Breakdown

Banks are now accepting Paycheck Protection Program loan applications for sole-proprietors, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals. Here is a brief breakdown of what you need. Jump Ahead: What will lenders be looking for? How much can I borrow? Will...

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