The Voice of

Keep up with what the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce is doing for and with our community. We make regular posts on this blog, and you can follow us on social media for more frequent news.

Contact Leah Winkler, Event and Communication Director, with news tips or inquiries:

A Word From The Chair

A Letter from the Chair

Longmont business community, My name is Dr. Chris McGilvray and I have been given the opportunity to serve as the Chair of the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. I would like to begin by thanking Amy Aschenbrenner, our 2020 past Board Chair who has...

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COVID-19: Chamber Event and Operations Update

Dear Chamber Members and Community, The Chamber’s Executive Committee and CEO met this morning to review and plan the Chamber’s response to COVID-19. There is a lot of news out there and the Chamber is looking at information from credible resources to guide our...

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