2020 Census – Be Counted!

By Scott Cook
January 29, 2020
The following content was shared with the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce by the U.S. Census Bureau. It is so very important that everyone residing in the United States of America is counted, and we wanted to do our part to share as much information as possible. Please help spread the word and consider some of the action items at the bottom of this post. Thank you!
A Sample of What’s Happening in and around Boulder County
Boulder County has created a shared drive with logos, fact sheets, a shared calendar, minutes from all of the Boulder County CCCs and much more. Click here to take a look.
- Boulder Valley School District is all in with 2020 Census Support! The BVSD website says it plain and simple, Everyone Counts in Boulder Valley! Check it out: https://www.bvsd.org/
- The Community Foundation of Boulder County established the 2020 Census Fund to support organizations with grassroots outreach efforts led by cultural brokers – well-connected members of communities identified as hard-to-count populations.
- The City of Longmont is working extensively throughout the community, schools, advocacy groups to spread the word about the Census. They are ready come to your next community meeting! Longmont has developed materials to guide a community conversation about the importance of participating in the Census.
- 2020 Census at the National Western Stock Show: We have secured a table at the National Western Stock Show. We welcome additional help to promote the 2020 Census. If you would like to help, please email Elizabeth at Elizabeth.cypers@2020census.gov.
- March with the Census on Martin Luther King Day in Denver: We are meeting at 9:30 am at the Martin Luther King Memorial in Denver City Park, 2001 Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80205. We will have an orange Census sign. The Marade is scheduled to step off at 10:30 a.m.
- Wednesday February 12, 4:00-6:30pm, Train the Trainer Workshop for nonprofits and human service agencies. Hosted by the Nonprofit Complete Count Committee of Boulder County and Longmont Community Foundation, the training will educate, motivate, prepare and equip a cadre of Boulder County professionals and volunteers to help with outreach. Stay tuned for invitations and details.
- Tuesday February 25, 5:30-7:00 pm, Innisfree Poetry Bookstore and Café is hosting an evening of Spoken Word Poetry and Open Mic with the hope that creative and inspired words will promote collective and individual action to achieve a complete count. Poets, lovers of poetry, novices, pros, friends, students, passers by looking for a really good cup of coffee are all welcome. 1301 Pennsylvania Ave.
- Thursday, February 27, 6:30-8:30 – Why the Census Counts: Boulder County Faith Leaders Discuss Their Role in the 2020 Census. Hosted by the Boulder JCC, a multi-faith panel of leaders will share their perspectives on the moral and civic imperative of a complete count and then community members and participants will plan weekend activities to take place during Worship Weekend, March 27-29.
- And so many more activities and events thanks to our amazing Boulder County partners. A new mural at BHP’s Arapahoe Court, presentations at the Louisville Senior Center, Boulder Rotary, Lafayette City Council to name a few. How do you want to be involved?
¡Hablamos español!
- 2020 Census Website. Click here.
- Promotional Materials in Spanish. Click here.
- Shape the Future video. Click here.
- Census 101 Fact Sheet. Click here.
- How We Protect Your Information. Click here.
- Handout for Hispanic Audiences. Click here.
- Handout for Migrant Workers. Click here.
Five Things to Do Right Now
- Add a link to the 2020 Census website on your website
- Activate social media with the U.S. Census Bureau Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, and Instagram account. Be sure to tag your own social media posts with the hashtag #Census2020
- Add a message to your email signature that your organization supports the 2020 Census and a complete count in Boulder County
- Put up Census 2020 flyers and posters at your place of work – Boulder County 2020 Census posters in English and Spanish are attached to this email
- Send an e-blast to clients and constituents that the census is hiring; host a recruiting event
– www.2020census.gov/jobs